الخميس، 15 ديسمبر 2011

Glass Manufacturing)..Depression glass )

In recent times glass has not only had an industrial and artistic function, it is also considered by many individuals an item worth collecting. Among the wide variety of glass collectibles, we also find so-called Depression glass. 
The Great Depression in the United States was time of severe financial problems for the majority of the population. Many companies closed or became insolvent while millions of American citizens were out of work. The lack of work meant less financial resources, and as a result only cheapest items were affordable. Depression glass was born from this dynamic.
This type of glass was manufactured from the 1920's to the late 1930's in the United States. The manufacturing process was inexpensive yet also permitted the development of interesting patterns, large production and affordable final prices which were perfect for the market of the Depression. The products were typically used as tableware and kitchen- ware. However, due to the cheap production techniques, quality was not inconsistent, and the glass often had flaws such as air bubbles. The companies who made Depression Glass included Anchor-Hocking, Jeanette, Federal, and Hazel Atlas, and the most common colours were amber, blue, black, crystal, green, pink, red, yellow and white.
Today the role of Depression glass has completely changed, as it has become a very popular collectible item.

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